Howl by Mike Harman

This weeks - I laughed at Matruss's's Howl and though HELLS YES YES that's what it's all about eh? Having fun, damn good fun and so I made this.

Hopefully I'm not the only one who remembers the annoying Howard from the Halifax advert. (And his terrible cover version of sex bomb, which has plagued my brain since thinking of the idea. EXTRA-EXTRA-EXect) If I am- then this makes no sense to you and I appear older than the dinosaurs that invented the world (up yours logic) over 4.5 billion years ago (up yours Christians)

Then I thought- although it made me laugh most of the morning, It looks pretty rubbish and took about 5 minutes. So I stopped dicking around and then put this real Howl picture together. Enjoy it, Love it, Print out a copy and Stick it on your forehead. I could do with the publicity and you good sir/madam could use a hat.